The Imperialist Pyramid, The stance of the communists towards the imperialist war in Ukraine

그리스공산당의 제국주의피라미드 이론의 핵심은 그리스, 터키, 이스라엘처럼 <종속적인 제국주의>가 가능하다는 것입니다. 노동자연대의 아류제국주의에 따르면 한국도 아류제국주의입니다. 우크라이나 전쟁은 미국과 러시아 간의 제국주의 전쟁이므로 양비론을 취해야 한다는 것입니다. 

제국주의 피라미드(imperialist pyramid) Programme-of-the-KKE

The tendency for important changes in the correlation of forces among the capitalist states became more apparent with the deep crisis of capital over-accumulation in 2008-2009 which in several capitalist economies has in reality not been overcome. This process occurs under the impact of the law of uneven capitalist development. This tendency concerns the higher levels of the imperialist pyramid as well.

자본주의 피라미드 모방(parody of Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System)

제국주의 중심축들(imperialist centres)

Today the number of imperialist centres has increased, while new forms of alliance have also emerged such as the alliance centred on Russia, the alliance of Shanghai, the alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS), the alliance of the countries of Latin America ALBA , MERCOSUR etc.

제국주의 연합(imperialist unions)

In all its statements, the identification of the concept of imperialism with the strongest power of the international imperialist system to date, i.e. the USA, is characteristic. Even when reference is made to other imperialist unions, such as the EU, NATO, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.,

터키의 제국주의 속성과 종속성(the nature of Turkey and dependence)

The capitalist countries at the summit are not the only ones that implement an imperialist political line, the ones at the lower levels also do, even those which have strong dependencies on the stronger powers as regional and local powers. For example, Turkey is such a power in our region today, as well as Israel, Arab states and such forces through which monopoly capital acquires new terrain in Africa, Asia, Latin America, as a consequence we have the phenomenon of dependency and inter-dependency.

그리스의 제국주의 속성과 종속성(the nature of Greece and dependence)

Capitalism in Greece is in the imperialist stage of its development, in an intermediate position in the international imperialist system, with strong uneven dependencies on the USA and the EU. The participation of Greece in NATO, the economic-political and political-military dependencies on the EU and the USA limit the room of the Greek bourgeoisie to manoeuvre independently, as all the alliance relations of capital are governed by competition, unevenness and consequently the advantageous position of the strongest; they are formed as relations of uneven interdependence.

중국과 러시아의 제국주의 속성(the nature of China and Russia)

Chinese and Russian monopolies export capital to other countries, aiming for the profit that comes from exploiting the labour power not only of the workers of their own country, but also of many other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, wherever their monopolies develop. the Russian “Wagner” private army is deployed in Africa for to defend the interests of the Russian monopolies operating there. China is moving in a similar direction to safeguard the Belt and Road Initiative by military means. It is notable that this initiative includes the small but very important in geographical terms state of Djibouti —whose debt to China amounts to 43% of its Gross National Income— where China’s first military base outside its borders was inaugurated in 2017.

우크라이나에서 제국주의전쟁(imperialist war in Ukraine)

the war in Ukraine is “focused on the division of mineral wealth, energy, territories and labour force, pipelines and commodity transport networks, geopolitical pillars, market shares” and is being waged by the bourgeois classes of Ukraine, in alliance with the US and NATO, and of Russia and its allies. 

USA is using Ukraine as a spearhead against capitalist Russia, encircling it with the enlargement of NATO, new military bases and weapons. 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, launched for the interests and strategic plans of the Russian bourgeoisie. an imperialist power, Russia is also an enemy of the people's interests.

그리스공산당 강령(2013)

The tendency for important changes in the correlation of forces among the capitalist states became more apparent with the deep crisis of capital over-accumulation in 2008-2009 which in several capitalist economies has in reality not been overcome. This process occurs under the impact of the law of uneven capitalist development. This tendency concerns the higher levels of the imperialist pyramid as well.

Capitalism in Greece is in the imperialist stage of its development, in an intermediate position in the international imperialist system, with strong uneven dependencies on the USA and the EU.

The participation of Greece in NATO, the economic-political and political-military dependencies on the EU and the USA limit the room of the Greek bourgeoisie to manoeuvre independently, as all the alliance relations of capital are governed by competition, unevenness and consequently the advantageous position of the strongest; they are formed as relations of uneven interdependence.

The Greek capitalist state was more organically integrated into the international imperialist system, through its participation in the restructuring of the EU and NATO and other imperialist inter-state alliances.

After the outbreak of the crisis, the position of Greek capitalist economy deteriorated in the framework of the Eurozone and the EU and the international imperialist pyramid in general, something which does not negate the fact that the accession of Greece to the EEC-EU served the most dynamic sections of domestic monopoly capital and contributed to the buttressing of its political power.

The pre-conditions for the socialist revolution to come onto the agenda do not mature simultaneously at a global level. The imperialist chain will break at its weakest link.

The economic crisis and the imperialist wars are common threats for the working class and popular strata of every capitalist society. This constitutes the objective potential for the revolutionary movement in one country to be supported by the activity of the revolutionary movement in another country, especially in neighboring ones, in the wider region. At the same time, the course of the class struggle in each country will have an influence on the international framework, as well as a more general impact at a regional and international level. What flows from this is the need for planned and coordinated joint action against every imperialist alliance which aims to suppress the revolution in one country, as well as the potential to form the conditions for the victory of socialism in a group of countries.

The socialist state will seek cooperation with states and peoples who objectively have a direct interest in resisting the economic, political and military centres of imperialism, first and foremost with the peoples who are constructing socialism in their countries. It will seek to utilize every available breach which might occur in the imperialist "front" due to inter-imperialist contradictions, in order to defend and strengthen the revolution and socialism. A socialist Greece, loyal to the principles of proletarian internationalism, will be, to the extent of its capabilities, a bulwark for the world anti-imperialist, revolutionary and communist movement.

그리스 공산당에 따르면 세계를 제국주의 체제로 보고 있으며, 그 체제 안에는 제국주의 국가 이외의 국가들도 서로 상호작용하고 있다. 미국은 최상위, 중러, 유럽 역시 제국주의이다. 심지어 터키와 같은 나라도 자기 조건에서 제국주의적 정책을 추구한다. 이들 제국주의 국가들은 상호의존돼 있다. 우크라이나 전쟁은 러시아 제국주의와 미국 중심 제국주의 간의 전쟁이다.